event Dates with Log
map Log Photographed
- Counties
- Butler County, Pennsylvania
- Erie County, Pennsylvania
- Fayette County, Pennsylvania
- Lawrence County, Pennsylvania
- Mahoning County, Ohio
- Otero County, New Mexico
- Pacific County, Washington
- Somerset County, Pennsylvania
- Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
- Towns
- Champion, PA
- Cloudcroft, NM
- Cook Township, PA
- Erie, PA
- Ilwaco, WA
- Jefferson Township, PA
- Lincoln Township, PA
- Slippery Rock Township (Lawrence County), PA
- Slippery Rock, PA
- South Connellsville, PA
- Stewart Township, PA
- Sunspot, NM
- Youngstown, OH
- Districts
- Cape Disappointment State Park, WA
- Laurel Hill State Park, PA
- Linn Run State Park, PA
- McConnells Mill State Park, PA
- Mill Creek Park, OH
- Miller Woods Nature Preserve, PA
- Ohiopyle State Park, PA
- PA State Game Land 51
- Presque Isle State Park, PA
- Roaring Run Natural Area, PA
- Upper Karr Recreation Area, NM
- Wolf Creek Narrows Natural Area, PA
terrainSubjects Photographed
- Animals
- Cattle
- Bogs
- Spruce Flats Bog
- Close Ups
- Tree Bark
- Conditions
- Fall Foliage
- Fog
- Ice Formation
- Snow
- Spring Foliage
- Water Reflection
- Contains
- Cliff Face
- Creeks
- Casparis Laurel Run
- Cucumber Run
- Hell's Run
- Jonathan Run
- Jones Mill Run
- Laurel Hill Creek
- Linn Run
- Mill Creek
- Roaring Run
- Wolf Creek
- Decayed
- Fallen Leaves
- Snag Tree
- Ecosystems
- Montane Forest Understorey
- Oak-Hickory Forest
- Spruce-Fir Forest
- Farms
- Farm Pasture
- Flowering Shrubs
- Rhododendron
- Hardwoods
- Aspen Tree
- Hills
- Sand Dune
- Lighthouses
- Cape Disappointment Light
- Presque Isle Lighthouse
- Mountain Ranges
- Laurel Highlands
- Sacramento Mountains
- Mushrooms
- Brick Cap Mushroom Hypholoma Sublateritium
- Oceans
- Pacific Ocean
- Peninsulas
- Ferncliff Peninsula
- Presque Isle
- Pine Trees
- Douglas Fir
- Eastern Hemlock
- Plants
- Cattails
- Fern
- Moss
- Purple Pitcher
- Skunk Cabbage
- Ponds
- Algae Covered Pond
- Jones Mill Pond
- Vernal Pool
- Rapids
- Wall and Snaggletooth Rapid
- Ridges
- Laurel Ridge
- Rivers
- Columbia River
- Youghiogheny River
- Rocks
- Limestone
- Sandstone
- Trails
- East Gorge Walk
- Hemlock Trail
- Jonathan Run Trail
- Spruce Flats Trail
- Tram Road Trail
- Waterfalls
- Cascading Waterfall
- Cucumber Falls
- Jonathan Run Falls
- Jones Mill Run Dam
- Wetlands
- Gull Point Wetland
photoLog Picture Data Access
- May 27, 2019
- 020; 018; 016; 015; 014; 010;
- May 1, 2019
- 006; 005; 004; 003; 002;
- July 28, 2018
- 007; 003;
- May 16, 2018
- 008; 007; 002;
- January 19, 2018
- 060; 021; 020; 017; 016;
- September 10, 2017
- 028; 027; 025; 022; 019;
- July 15, 2017
- 017; 014; 011;
- July 4, 2017
- 040; 036; 021; 020; 015; 010;
- June 25, 2017
- 004; 003;
- May 15, 2017
- 026; 016; 015; 014; 013; 012; 011; 010; 009; 006; 004;
- April 9, 2017
- 016; 015;
- October 29, 2016
- 062; 055; 028; 025; 024; 023; 022; 021;
- October 19, 2016
- 129; 128; 127; 123; 119; 110; 109; 106; 099;
- October 2, 2016
- 061; 049; 048; 047; 046; 045; 039; 024; 023;
- May 16, 2016
- 011; 010;
- July 30, 2011
- 008; 007; 006;