place Snow Places to Experience
9 Ease
Baughman Rock Vista Overlook
9 Ease
Cucumber Gorge Bottom
9 Ease
Meadow Run Natural Waterslides Area
10 Ease
Cucumber Falls Gorge Rim Area
10 Ease
Observation Area at Ohiopyle Falls
9 Ease
High Ohiopyle Bridge Scenic View Area
event Dates with Snow
map Snow Photographed
- Counties
- Bernalillo County, New Mexico
- Butler County, Pennsylvania
- Cochise County, Arizona
- Fayette County, Pennsylvania
- King County, Washington
- Pima County, Arizona
- Towns
- Cedar Crest, NM
- Cranberry Township, PA
- Near Tucson, AZ
- Seattle, WA
- Stewart Township, PA
- Summerhaven, AZ
- Wilcox, AZ
- Districts
- Chiricahua National Monument, AZ
- Kerry Park (Seattle, WA)
- Ohiopyle State Park, PA
terrainSubjects Photographed
- Bridges
- High Ohiopyle Bridge
- Low Ohiopyle Bridge
- Canyons
- Bonita Canyon
- Youghiogheny Gorge
- City Skylines
- Seattle Skyline
- Conditions
- Fire Damage
- Fog
- Ice Formation
- Contains
- Cliff Face
- Creeks
- Cucumber Run
- Meadow Run
- Decayed
- Log
- Snag Tree
- Deserts
- Chihuahuan Desert
- Ecosystems
- Madrean Sky Islands
- Oak-Hickory Forest
- Spruce-Fir Forest
- Flowering Shrubs
- Rhododendron
- Houses of Worship
- Cranberry Baptist Church
- Knobs
- Sugarloaf Knob
- Mountain Ranges
- Chiricahua Mountains
- Galiuro Mountains
- Laurel Highlands
- Sandia Mountains
- Santa Catalina Mountains
- Mountains
- Chiricahua Peak
- Cochise Head
- Guthrie Mountain
- Maverick Peak
- Mount Lemmon
- Mount Rainier
- Sandia Crest
- Sugarloaf Mountain
- Overlooks
- Aspen Vista
- Baughman Rock Overlook
- Massai Point Vista
- San Pedro Vista
- Peninsulas
- Ferncliff Peninsula
- The Flats
- Pine Trees
- Colorado Blue Spruce
- Eastern White Pine
- Ponderosa Pine
- Red Pine
- Rapids
- Cucumber Rapid
- Entrance Rapid
- Ridges
- Laurel Ridge
- Rivers
- San Pedro River
- Youghiogheny River
- Roads
- Catalina Highway
- Striped Road
- Rocks
- Granodiorite
- Hoodoos
- Sandstone
- Trails
- Baughman Trail
- Great Gorge Trail
- La Luz Trail
- Meadow Run Trail
- Sugarloaf Trail
- Urban Buildings
- Space Needle
- Valleys
- San Pedro Valley
- Tucson Valley
- Waterfalls
- Cucumber Falls
- Meadow Run Natural Waterslides
- Ohiopyle Falls
photoSnow Picture Data Access
- January 19, 2018
- 069; 068; 067; 066; 065; 064; 063; 062; 061; 060; 059; 058; 057; 056; 055; 054; 053; 052; 051; 050; 049; 048; 047; 046; 045; 044; 043; 042; 041; 040; 039; 038; 037; 036; 035; 034; 033; 032; 031; 030; 029; 028; 027; 026; 025; 024; 023; 022; 021; 020; 019; 018; 017; 016; 015; 014; 013; 012; 011; 010; 009; 008; 007; 006; 005; 004; 003; 002; 001;
- March 16, 2016
- 017; 016; 015; 014; 013; 012; 011; 010; 009; 008; 007; 006; 005; 003; 002; 001;
- February 4, 2014
- 047; 044; 042; 041; 039; 037; 036; 035; 034; 033; 032; 031; 030; 029; 028; 027; 025; 024; 023; 022; 021; 020; 019; 018; 017; 016; 015; 014; 013; 012; 011; 010; 009; 008; 007; 006; 005; 003; 001;
- July 27, 2011
- 013; 012; 002; 001;
- February 6, 2010
- 039; 038; 037; 036; 035; 034; 033; 032; 031; 030; 029; 028; 027; 026; 025; 024; 023; 022; 021; 020; 019; 018; 017; 016; 015; 014; 013; 012; 011; 010; 009; 008; 007; 006; 005; 004; 003; 002; 001;
- December 21, 2008
- 070; 069; 068; 067; 066; 064; 063; 061; 060; 056; 055; 054; 053; 046; 045; 044; 043; 041; 039; 038; 037; 035; 034; 033; 032; 031; 030; 029; 028;