Laurel Hill Creek and Lake Marsh Area

20 Min
5 Min
View from Laurel Hill Creek and Lake Marsh Area

A small parking area provides access to the beginning of Laurel Hill Lake along with a boat launch. This area is popular for fishing and picnics and also provides some stellar scenery of the lake and marshes opening up to the south. Here the creek makes a transition to the lake but remains narrow for quite a distance.

There are small trails used by fishermen leading to the edge of the lake throughout the marsh area with most coming off of the Copper Kettle Trail. During wet periods these make be impassible.

Peaceful lake scenery can be enjoyed here but becomes downright magical in the hour leading up to sunset when the vegetation on the opposite shore of the lake reflects beautifully in the mirror like lake waters, at least on calm days. People fishing here in the hour around dawn will experience mists and fog creeping along the creek and lake's waters giving an unusual glow in the predawn light.


Keep an eye where you step as snakes are possible in this area. Walking in the marshes could lead to muddy or wet shoes.

How to Access

Follow Laurel Hill Park Road south and take a left immediately after crossing Laurel Hill Creek. Park at the parking area near the restroom facilities.

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More Information

A walk along the trail or gravel road leads to a bench with an exquisite view of the lake and marshes. Continuing a distance further will lead to a bridge over the beautiful Jones Mill Run with its near continuous and noisy cascades of water flowing over rocks.

Laurel Hill Creek and Lake Marsh Area is located in Pennsylvania.

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