Abandoned West Yough Railroad Bridge

15 Min
45 Min
View from Abandoned West Yough Railroad Bridge

An abandoned steel trestle railroad bridge offers a nice view of the Youghiogheny River just north of Connellsville and along the Great Allegheny Passage Trail. Concealed mostly by woods between the trail and river, the bridge becomes visible as it sits behind a giant rock that obviously was moved following the abandonment of the railroad line. Most visitors will walk up to the bridge and look at its graffiti and rusted steel remains without attempting to walk across it. The railroad ties near the entrance have suffered a fire making them unstable but once past that point the more adventurous visitor should find easier walking. As you cross to the point where the bridge begins to bend you'll find yourself hovering directly above a gentle but swift moving current in the Youghiogheny River below. On a quiet day different forms of wildlife may be visible in this formerly industrial area including deer, groundhogs, and usually various birds of prey patrolling the river. In fishing season, this bridge and the shores near it are popular for anglers. In the summer, river rafts, canoes, and kayaks can be seen floating below you. Crossing the bridge leads to a trail with multiple side trails that lead down to the river through some really thick vegetation. Above you at this point is an active railroad line. From this side of the shore you can get the best vantage point of the entire bridge as it curves. It's still in decent shape for having not been maintained since the early 1980s and having been built around 1904.

This Warren Truss bridge was formerly apart of the P&LE (Pittsburgh and Lake Erie) Railroad that served as a transfer between lines.


The bridge is in poor shape but seems structurally sound.

How to Access

Park at the Great Allegheny Passage Trail access parking area behind the Martin's Grocery store and walk north towards Adelaide approximately 1.2 miles to where a prominent small trail appears at the right leading to the bridge's entrance.

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More Information

Abandoned West Yough Railroad Bridge is located in Pennsylvania, near Connellsville, Pennsylvania.

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