Yough Rock Ledges and Rapids at Meadow Run
Where Meadow Run enters the Youghiogheny River is a sunbather's paradise of beautiful rock slabs, ledges, rapids, and small waterfalls that are fun to explore to see how far out into the river one can get by hopping over small waterfalls between the rocks. The experience here differs depending on the water level as nice rocks to sprawl out on become submerged and turned into vicious whitewater rapids after wet weather. You'll be entertained by the wild mountain river flowing loudly around you and the beautiful scenery will be complemented by a seemingly endless parade of whitewater rafts and kayaks taking on the Entrance Rapid nearby. Following the river towards Cucumber Run will take you through some interesting scenery featuring large rocks and even a darkly shadowed pond that marks a former course for the river.
Rocks are slippery when wet and swimming is forbidden here. Be careful navigating the rocks and remember it is easier to climb up than down. The river is extremely dangerous in this area with class III and IV rapids in the area. Keep an eye out for snakes.
How to Access
Park near the Meadow Run Natural Waterslides and either follow the Meadow Run Trail through that area or cross Route 381 and follow a trail down towards the river.
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More Information
Yough Rock Ledges and Rapids at Meadow Run is located in Pennsylvania.
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