Meadow Run Natural Waterslides Area

10 Min
1 Min
View from Meadow Run Natural Waterslides Area

A floor of sandstone rock provides the base from which to enjoy and marvel at Meadow Run's perfectly chiseled channels through the rock forming a fast moving and curving natural waterslide that ends in a deep pool of water. While during the summer the current is often just right for daredevils to take on the slides, spring and winter the water pounds through the channel at such a velocity at times that you can't imagine anyone surviving the ride without being pulverized by the end. This area is gorgeous in all seasons with Meadow Run surrounded by moss covered rock formations rhododendrons and shaded by many Eastern Hemlocks. A staircase provides easy access to visitors of all ages and the rock floor doubles as the Meadow Run Trail leading to more scenery either upstream or downstream toward Meadow Run's confluence with the Youghiogheny River.


Rocks are slippery when wet.

How to Access

The area is adjacent to a parking area off of Route 381.

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The seasons here offer an incredible contrast in scenery as not only does the water force roaring through the Meadow Run Natural Waterslide change the character of the stream, but in other seasons the scenic forest puts on its own show. In autumn the sandstone floor is covered with golden maple leaves everywhere but where the water flows, and in winter ice and snow take on amazing formations in the limestone cliffs on the opposite shore. Renewal of plant life and spring greenery add to fresh scents along the stream and the forest shows a contrast in color that later becomes replaced by a solid green broken by the white flowers of the Rhododendrons in late June. By summer the water has warmed and likely tamed and the park is crowded with visitors ready to take a plunge down this rare geological marvel of nature.

Meadow Run Natural Waterslides Area is located in Pennsylvania.

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