Route 288 Roadside Vistas of Hog Canyon
As Route 288, Globe to Young Highway, continues its ascent into the Sierra Ancha Mountains two roadside pull offs will appear on your left that each offer a different view overlooking portions of Hog Canyon from up above along with a view of the plateau leading to the edge of the escarpment before the deep Salt River Valley below. A portion of Roosevelt Lake and the Route 188 Bridge over the Salt River, twelve miles away, can be seen below the Mazatzal Mountains. The land immediately below you features rust colored dirt roads cut in the white grasses and ending at a flat rock outcropping at the edge of Hog Canyon that looks enticing to see up close.
The reddish colored rock is particularly vibrant in color either late in the day or early in the morning. The Dripping Spring Quartzite Sandstone Rock appears as a washed out brown when the sun is more directly overhead.
The desert here begins to transition from savanna like grasslands to shrubs featuring Junipers as you continue the ascent to the higher elevations. Gone are the Saguaro Cacti that can be seen in the deeper depths of Hog Canyon.
After the first pull off, the better vantage point can be seen from the higher up second pull off that is less than a quarter of a mile further up the road. This is also the start of a short dirt road that may be passable to high profile SUVs. Cars can park near the entrance and take a walk along the dirt road for a better vantage point.
Be careful turning into the pull offs as some can be eroded leading to a steep drop off from the road. Pay attention to oncoming traffic when turning in and out of the pull offs.
How to Access
As you head north on Route 288 and pass a dirt road leading to down to Hog Canyon, continue cautiously as the first pull off will appear on your left over a quarter of a mile further. The second pull off appears less than a quarter of a mile beyond the first.
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More Information
Because it requires turning left into the pull offs it may be easier to explore the Sierra Ancha and stop at these vantage points on the way back down.
Route 288 Roadside Vistas of Hog Canyon is located in Arizona.
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